Dienstag, 20. September 2016

Today shopping @manor watching porzelan from @blondamsterdam

Today i was in the City first together with my mother in Lugano one of the important City from the swiss canton Tessin. We moved to one of the biggest mall close to the water in Lugano, my mother catched there some food for making a pumkinsoup later in the evening ( the recipe will follow) so the city is very important for the culture the university an the art that is written on the city webside from Lugano ...i can still agree. Just any steps out of the park hall with my mother close to the shopping street most famous for the historical impression the : VIA NASSA i have been there with my mother in the mall manor.ch where i have seen that ultimative great porzelan services ... i was fall in love with them ... I can tell you why : First since December 2015 i am working for an bakery store in the City Hamburg  an that's why my attention goes to the stuff all is connected with food so also this two plates [see the picture below]
I do not like lemon in natural but in cake it give the taste some fruity sweetness and also the other cake with the strawberry's in it seems to be very great. The strawberry is a wildy grown fruit for it characteristic aroma it taste like : summer splash...yes and that is an reason why the cosmetic industry uses fruits like lemon or strawberry to produce lip-sticks or parfume shower gel to feel the freshness or the youngness of lovely taste.

It's like the taste of real cake for more funny colourful porzelan watch the webside of blond-amsterdam.de or on Facebook @blondamsterdam 
#foodstuff #decor #decoration #design #foodstyle #porzelan #creation

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